12#ifndef _H_sil_sa_types
13#define _H_sil_sa_types
104typedef enum sil_sa_state_t_ {
140typedef struct sil_sa_bundle_t_ {
167typedef struct sil_sa_cb_t_ {
300typedef struct sil_sa_child_edit_t_ {
316typedef struct sil_sa_edit_t_ {
364typedef struct sil_sa_added_edit_t_ {
Multi-Protocol Network Management Server.
dlq provides general double-linked list and queue support:
Hook types enumeration to specify Hook type.
Definition: agt.h:824
NETCONF edit-config operation types.
Definition: op.h:122
global error return code
Definition: status_enum.h:210
uint64 ncx_transaction_id_t
transaction is scoped to single session write operation on a config
Definition: ncxtypes.h:728
SIL-SA state machine enumerations.
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:104
not set
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:106
SIL-SA service in some error state.
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:115
edit transaction in progress and is waiting for commit phase
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:130
edit transaction started and is waiting for apply phase
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:127
SIL-SA service is stopped.
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:112
connection to server in progress, waiting for the configuration
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:118
SIL-SA serivice is starting up.
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:109
SIL-SA is idle ready for requests.
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:124
connection to server starting with register request
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:121
waiting for a Get-Data Hook response from the server, interrupting an edit transaction
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:135
YANG module data structures Many internal representations of YANG module constructs.
NETCONF protocol remote procedure call common definitions.
global error status code enumerations
representation of one module or submodule during and after parsing
Definition: ncxtypes.h:1138
One YANG data-def-stmt.
Definition: obj.h:1229
NETCONF Server and Client RPC Request/Reply Message Header.
Definition: rpc.h:185
Hook added edits that will be used in the hook-respose msg Saved from the sil_sa_hook_add_edit functi...
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:364
val_value_t * editval
edit value
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:372
dlq_hdr_t qhdr
queue header
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:366
obj_template_t * cbobj
callback object template
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:387
boolean skipcb
edit operation skip_cb parameter
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:384
const xmlChar * point
edit operation insert_point parameter
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:381
const xmlChar * path
path for the edit
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:369
const xmlChar * where
edit operation insert_where parameter
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:378
const xmlChar * editop
edit operation string
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:375
one bundle unload record in case <unload-bundle> called
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:140
dlq_hdr_t qhdr
queue header
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:142
dlq_hdr_t bundle_modQ
queue of cloned backptrs to the loaded modules assigned to this bundle.
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:156
boolean load_event_done
make sure the bundle-load-event is only sent once for this bundle
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:161
xmlChar * bundle_name
malloced copy of the bundle name This replaces the sil_sa_cb.bundle_nameQ
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:147
control block for the SIL-SA module
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:167
dlq_hdr_t added_editQ
Queue of Hook added edits that will be used in the hook-respose msg Q of sil_sa_added_edit_t.
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:260
boolean init2_done
init2 phase has been done.
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:187
obj_template_t * obj
<sil-sa> object within the /ycontrol/payload object
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:172
status_t error_edit_res
edit entry failure status
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:240
boolean sil_load_done
SIL-SA library load is done.
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:181
dlq_hdr_t editQ
parsed from start request msg
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:213
boolean skip_reverse_edit
keep track of a subsys already did the rollback phase so the cancel-transaction in commit phase cause...
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:279
const xmlChar * user_id
user-id backptr from the transaction
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:222
boolean is_hook_validate
Not the same as is_validate.
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:269
val_value_t * config_response
cached <config-response> message body; list of modules/bundles to load
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:195
struct sil_sa_edit_t_ * cur_edit
edit-id maintained during the callback
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:216
uint32 msgid
request msgid that is expected in the response
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:190
const xmlChar * client_addr
client address backptr from the transaction
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:225
dlq_hdr_t bundle_unloadQ
queue of sil_sa_bundle_t struct
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:252
ncx_transaction_id_t txid
transaction ID derived from start_request
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:201
uint32 get2_user_data_index
keep track of the GETCB_GET2_USER_DATA_INDEX value one per entire SIL-SA which may not be OK if multi...
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:291
val_value_t * keys_val
backptr to the <keys> container passed in an <action-request>
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:255
ncx_module_t * mod
yumaworks-sil-sa YANG module
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:169
dlq_hdr_t library_parmQ
queue of ncx_backptr to malloced string
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:249
uint32 error_edit_index
saved by the sil_call_edit_phase code if an error occurs with a specific edit.
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:237
const xmlChar * txid_str
transaction ID from the transaction
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:231
const xmlChar * error_edit_str
edit string for error
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:243
boolean need_replay
SIL-SA library needs to trigger a config replay from the server.
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:184
void * get2_user_data_ref
keep track of the GETCB_GET2_USER_DATA_REF value one per entire SIL-SA which may not be OK if multipl...
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:285
boolean is_reverse_edit
transaction is a reverse-edit during rollback
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:207
val_value_t * payload
cached <payload> element for use in request messages
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:175
dlq_hdr_t bundleQ
queue of ncx_backptr to ncx_module_t
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:246
rpc_msg_t * rpc_msg
dummy msg used for SIL-SA callback functions
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:219
val_value_t * hook_get_value
<hook-get-response> return value
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:272
boolean is_hook_load
SIL-SA Hook support.
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:263
boolean is_validate
transaction is a <validate> operation
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:204
const xmlChar * target
datastore target backptr from the transaction
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:228
boolean is_load_config
transaction is an internal <load-config>
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:210
val_value_t * start_request
cached <start-transaction> message body
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:198
sil_sa_state_t state
SIL-SA module state.
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:178
EDIT2 children Queue Supports EDIT2 callbacks where child edits for the same parent container or list...
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:300
op_editop_t editop
child edit operation
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:305
dlq_hdr_t qhdr
queue header
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:302
val_value_t * newval
child new value; backptr into start_request msg
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:308
val_value_t * curval
child current value; backptr into start_request msg
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:311
SIL-SA added edit data structure.
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:316
boolean hook_edit
this is a hook edit flag
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:348
val_value_t * update
update value for edit; backptr into start_request msg
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:336
agt_hook_type_t hook_type
hook type if a hook edit
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:351
op_editop_t editop
added edit operation
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:324
dlq_hdr_t qhdr
queue header
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:318
obj_template_t * cbobj
child object for callback; backptr to callback object
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:342
dlq_hdr_t child_editQ
Queue of EDIT2 children edits that will be used in the callback Q of sil_sa_child_edit_t.
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:356
val_value_t * newval
new value for edit; backptr into start_request msg
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:330
boolean apply_done
apply phase done
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:345
val_value_t * curval
current value for edit; backptr into start_request msg
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:333
val_value_t * keysval
keys value for edit; backptr into start_request msg
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:339
uint32 edit_index
key leaf for edit list
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:321
const xmlChar * path
path string for added edit
Definition: sil_sa_types.h:327
one value to match one type
Definition: val.h:912
Value Node Basic Support.