yumapro  24.10-4
YumaPro SDK
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agt_acm.h File Reference

NETCONF Server Access Control Entry Points. More...

#include <xmlstring.h>
#include "agt.h"
#include "dlq.h"
#include "obj.h"
#include "ses.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "val.h"
#include "xml_msg.h"
#include "xmlns.h"
#include "xpath.h"
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status_t agt_acm_init (void)
 Initialize the NETCONF Server access control module. More...
status_t agt_acm_init2 (void)
 Phase 2 : Initialize the nacm.yang configuration data structures. More...
void agt_acm_cleanup (void)
 Cleanup the NETCONF Server access control module. More...
boolean agt_acm_rpc_allowed (xml_msg_hdr_t *msg, const xmlChar *user, const obj_template_t *rpcobj)
 Check if the specified user is allowed to invoke an RPC. More...
boolean agt_acm_notif_allowed (const xmlChar *user, const obj_template_t *notifobj)
 Check if the specified user is allowed to receive a notification event. More...
boolean agt_acm_val_write_allowed (xml_msg_hdr_t *msg, const xmlChar *user, val_value_t *newval, val_value_t *curval, op_editop_t editop)
 Check if the specified user is allowed to access a value node. More...
boolean agt_acm_val_read_allowed (xml_msg_hdr_t *msg, const xmlChar *user, val_value_t *val)
 Check if the specified user is allowed to read a value node. More...
status_t agt_acm_init_msg_cache (ses_cb_t *scb, xml_msg_hdr_t *msg)
 Malloc and initialize an agt_acm_cache_t struct and attach it to the incoming message. More...
void agt_acm_clear_msg_cache (xml_msg_hdr_t *msg)
 Clear an agt_acm_cache_t struct attached to the specified message. More...
void agt_acm_clear_session_cache (ses_cb_t *scb)
 Clear an agt_acm_cache_t struct in a session control block. More...
void agt_acm_invalidate_session_cache (ses_cb_t *scb)
 Mark an agt_acm_cache_t struct in a session control block as invalid so it will be refreshed next use. More...
boolean agt_acm_session_cache_valid (const ses_cb_t *scb)
 Check if the specified session NACM cache is valid. More...
boolean agt_acm_session_is_superuser (const ses_cb_t *scb)
 Check if the specified session is the superuser. More...
agt_acmode_t agt_acm_get_acmode (void)
 Get the –access-control mode. More...
void agt_acm_set_acmode (agt_acmode_t newmode)
 Set the –access-control mode. More...
boolean agt_acm_get_log_writes (void)
 Get the log_writes flag. More...
boolean agt_acm_get_log_reads (void)
 Get the log_reads flag. More...
boolean agt_acm_is_superuser (const xmlChar *username)
 Check if the specified user name is the superuser Low-level access; no scb available. More...
uint32 agt_acm_get_deniedRpcs (void)
 Get the deniedRpcs counter. More...
uint32 agt_acm_get_deniedDataWrites (void)
 Get the deniedDataWrites counter. More...
uint32 agt_acm_get_deniedNotifications (void)
 Get the deniedNotification counter. More...
void agt_acm_clean_xpath_cache (void)
 Clean any cached XPath results because the data rule results may not be valid anymore. More...
void agt_acm_set_datarules (val_value_t *val, uint32 msgid)
 Check the dataruleQ in the object and all child nodes. More...
void agt_acm_clean_obj_datarule_cache (ncx_module_t *mod)
 Check all the rule list entry and its OBJ datarule cache and clean if the modules is getting unloaded for this objects. More...

Detailed Description

NETCONF Server Access Control Entry Points.